corima – the TMS solution
for complex requirements

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The modular software system for implementing solutions in all areas of Treasury and Corporate Finance.
corima screenshot 01-2018
The modular software system for implementing solutions in all areas of Treasury and Corporate Finance.


cash management

The cash management functionality supports you in the course of receipt, administration and transfer of payments for optimising payment transactions in the whole company.

back office

The back office solution helps you to process your financial transactions and control your treasury business workflow.

risk management

The risk management application helps you analysing and controlling your financial risks.

front office

In the front office solution you can enter your financial transactions quickly and flexibly and obtain an overview of the current status of your treasury positions.

liquidity planning

The financial status and liquidity planning applications will facilitate efficient display and planning of your liquidity position.


In the accounting module you can implement booking concepts on the basis of national and international requirements in parallel and integrate them in the overall treasury process.

By combining various system functions, corima.cfs offers the opportunity of mapping variably structured operational and evaluation processes within the Corporate Treasury



Application profiles

Flexible deposit of application profiles on group and user level


Integrated master data model

Integrated master data model for all modules and applications (from front office to liquidity planning)


Authorisation concept

Homogeneous authorisation concept for all system functions


Daten und Berichtskonzept

Definiertes Output- Daten und Berichtskonzept



Synchrones Konzept zur Gestaltung der Systemoberflächen


Einheitliches Schnittstellenkonzept

Einheitliches Schnittstellenkonzept zur Anbindung vor- und nachgelagerter Systeme


Abbildung/Steuerung von Treasury-Abläufen

Abbildung/Steuerung von Treasury-Abläufen durch Kombination von Systemmodulen

corima is a real innovation for you. The technology used here offers a wide range of possible solutions and variability in application. In addition to developing innovations and solutions for our customers, our development team works every day on the stability, reliability and performance of the system.

corima is both a client-server application and an application framework. Its special features are a modern look and feel as well as a front and back end that is always at the cutting edge of development. In addition, it includes several standard interfaces to external systems including market data providers, ERP systems or trading platforms. With this and the many years of experience of our specialists in customizing our solutions, corima becomes the control center of your treasury.

Application Cases

By combining various system functions corima offers the possibility of mapping various structured operational and evaluation processes within the corporate treasury.
Customized structuring and automation of your treasury process
  • Definition of the relevant transaction type areas (FX derivatives, money market trading, etc.)
  • Flexible parameterization of the underlying workflow (from trade entry to the generation of payment media)
  • Parameterization of the trade input process (definition of input information, assignment of access rights, etc.)
  • Connection to external trading platforms (360T, etc.)
  • Automatic matching of payment and booking information (back office & accounting)
  • Matching of trade information (incl. connection of matching platforms » Finastra)
Managing your currency risk
  • Defining of the relevant hedge exposures (cash flows from operating business and/or financial transactions)
  • Detailed integration of cash flows from operating processes into treasury processes (on-balance and off-balance positions)
  • Structuring and allocation of exposures from hedging transactions (forward transactions, options)
  • Consolidation, monitoring and management of FX risk exposure on a real-time basis
Detailed construction of accounting concepts
  • Continuous separation of mandates (support of centralized booking control within the group)
  • Parallel posting according to various international posting specifications (HGB/BilMoG, IFRS, US-GAAP, etc.)
  • Booking of derivatives (FX, interest, commodities) including operational segment structures (booking based on management/business units)
  • Implementation of IFRS posting requirements
    – Bewertungs-Segmentierung gemäß IFRS
    – Hedge Accounting gemäß IFRS (IAS 39 / IFRS 9)
    – IFRS 7 / IFRS 13
  • Development of loan accounting concepts (incl. foreign currency valuation)
Commodity exposure management, trading and hedging
  • Thorough designing of the commodity hedging process
  • Acquisition and mapping of commodity exposures
  • Segmentation/allocation of commodity derivatives (build-up of hedging portfolios)
  • Import of market and valuation data by direct connection of counterparties (set-up of a market data pool)
  • Establishment of a trading and settlement process for commodity derivatives
  • Establishment of the net commodity position
  • Management of the net commodity position
Integrative market data process
  • Provision of a market data package (vwd/Infront)
  • Standardized interfaces to the leading market data providers (Reuters - Refinitiv / Bloomberg / Infront (vwd))
  • Central management of market data
  • Plausibility check of market data movements
  • Possibility of data redistribution to downstream systems (ERP, controlling, etc.)
Request-for-Quote (RfQ) – Geschäfte bündeln und Legal Entities anbinden
  • Flexible designing of workflows for the input and application process
  • Needs-based connection of legal entities, differentiated by transaction type
  • Workflow-supported central monitoring, approval and execution
  • Supporting dashboards and notifications
  • Connection to various external trading platforms
  • Applying netting processes
  • Automatic processing of transaction data in all connected modules (accounting, cash management, liquidity planning, etc.)
Avale – Management mit Überblick
  • Structuring of the application process (3 phases):
    1. application: Internal request from subsidiaries
    2. processing, verification and control of requests
    3. forwarding of the guarantee request to the bank via Swift/pdf
  • Simple and clear portfolio management
  • Control of fee settlement including
    1. Utilization and commitment fees
    2. Exhibition fees
    3. Guarantee commissions
    4. Other
  • Internal and external line management
Capture, process, plan and post loans of virtually any complexity
  • Mapping of any loan structures
  • Planning of all cash flows over the term and continuous updating with current market data
  • Visualization of the interest and repayment schedule
  • Cash flow overview
  • Syndications
  • Full flexibility in adjusting the loan structure during the entire term
  • Backup of all contractual documents
  • Deposit and management of covenants
  • Automatic transfer of all booking records to accounting
Mapping of integrated asset management processes
  • Structuring of order workflows
  • Standardized connection to external systems (FIX format)
  • Communication with custodian banks and asset managers via Swift
  • Full integration of asset management workflows into the settlement and booking process
  • Portfolio management at custodian and portfolio level
  • Calculation of key performance and risk indicators
  • Data evaluation via dashboards
Liquiditätsplanung – Alle Cashflows in einem System
  • Direct planning
  • End-to-end rights management and auditing
  • Mapping of any planning scenarios, planning categories, periods and levels
  • Single Point of Truth
    – Automatische Berücksichtigung sämtlicher Cashflows aus den angeschlossenen Modulen.
    – Berücksichtigung aller automatisch generierten zukünftigen Cashflows
  • Simulation of any scenarios
  • Configurable planning process
  • Direct and targeted reporting
  • Rolling, currency-differentiated planning


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corima –
made by COPS

Over 40 years of marketing experience and over 20 years of experience in consultancy and implementation of treasury management systems enable us and our innovative and dynamic team to provide the optimal setup to cover your requirements using corima.


Martin Zavadil

Managing Director

Lukas Steiner

Managing Director

Christopher Lapp

Managing Director COPS Deutschland

Thomas Eckhardt

Product Manager

Stefan Cordts

Senior Consultant